1930's Fashions & prices
Mens Shirt $2.50 Ohio 1932
Ladies Wool Flannel Robes $3.95 Nebraska 1934
Ladies Winter Coats $16.00 Indiana 1937
Mens Quality Overcoats $15.00 Indiana 1937
Ladies Oxfords Shoes $2.44 Indiana 1937
Mens Slacks $3.98 Indiana 1937
Womens silk hose 49 cents Ohio 1933
Boys overcoat wool 8.69-11.98/each From $ New Jersey
Boys pants and breeches, corderoy From $1.98 New Jersey
Boys school suit, From $7.94 New Jersey
Girls hose (tights), woolen, From $25 cents per pair New Jersey
Men s shirt, Arrow, From $1.45 New Jersey
Men s sport coat, /each From $19.98 New Jersey
Women s dress shoes, From $3.45 New Jersey
Women s suit, 2 pieces, From $6.98 New Jersey
Mens Sox 10 cents ohio 1933
Ladies Sandals 98 cents Maryland 1939
Boys and Girls Underwear 49 cents Maryland 1935
Mens 2 Piece Suit Double breasted $19.75 New York 1935
Howard Deluxe Quality silk lined hat $2.85 New York 1935
Sheeplined Moccasins 79 cents Ohio 1935
Fancy Broadcloth Pajamas $1.89 Indiana 1937
Mens Lined Gloves 98 cents ohio 1935
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